Main Features of Accounting and Financial Software

Automated Solution to Record Financial Transactions: Making Smarter, Faster, and More Accurate Financial Decisions

Sales Income Audit Turboly
Sales Income Audit

Turboly streamlines the process of Sales Income Audit by eliminating manual handling of sales summary and journal preparation. The integration All Store Retail and Company Sales (B2B) allows generating Consolidated Sales Report as well as Sales Analysis by entities.

Account Receivable Turboly
Account Receivable

The simple workflow of Turboly’s Accounts Receivable function and a sales order into an invoice. Wholesales and credit card transactions automatically linked without re-entering any data. Journal entries automatically post to the General Journal Entries.

Account Payable Turboly
Account Payable

Turboly’s Accounts Payable allows you to manage an unlimited number of suppliers, as well as multiple payable accounts. Within Accounts Payable, you can automatically track all vendor purchase and payments.

Store Journal Entries Turboly
Store Journal Entries

Store Journal is a simple but powerful feature that allows you to enter store expenses with or without assigning them.

General Journal Entries Turboly
General Journal Entries

General journal entries helps you to process data financial accounting in one accounting cycle. All journal entries from other module or entities will automatically stored at this place. The next process is automatically done by the system, the process preparation of financial statements monthly and yearly basis.

Traceability And Audit Support Turboly
Traceability and Audit Support

Our system provides you with complete traceability as each automatic journal entry links back to the source transaction, for example: sales, stock order received, stocktake adjustment, etc.

Consolidated Financial Report Turboly
Consolidated Financial Report

We help you save time and reduce errors with integrated financial reports. Our system automatically generates a report on business entities or companies linked. So it is possible to view the current balance sheet and profit & loss statement at any time.

Fixed Asset Turboly
Fixed Asset

The Fixed Assets handle asset registration, classification, useful lifespans of assets, and the period over which depreciation of the asset. Turboly handle single depreciation methods and is fully integrated with the general journal entries (general ledger).


Our excellent Finance & Accounting system cover Account Receivable, Account Payable, General Ledger Journal Entries. Is an online integrated financial accounting system that records, monitors and maintains all accounting and financial transactions of the company and all store related combined into a consolidated report.

Turboly Accounting Feature